Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation

For many women, vaginal changes that occur with pregnancy and menopause may seem like a normal but rather bothersome side effect of aging. Despite the significant effect it can have on a woman’s sex life and day to day functioning, many women do not realize there are treatment options available. Fortunately, symptoms of vaginal dryness, mild incontinence, and mild vagina looseness can be treated with minimally invasive laser technology.

Through our partners we at Austin Labiaplasty and Vaginal Rejuvenation are pleased to offer both the Femilift and Mona Lisa Touch which treat both the superficial and deeper layers within the vaginal tissue. The laser works by stimulating the growth of collagen and elastin which helps to restore the normal vaginal tissue. These treatments help stimulate elasticity within the vaginal walls which leads to overall tightening of the tissue and also increases vaginal moisture. This technology allows for minimal downtown and minimal to no discomfort during and after procedures.


Why choose vaginal rejuvenation?

Vaginal rejuvenation treats a myriad of conditions including vaginal dryness, atrophy, mild stress incontinence and even vaginal looseness. The benefits of these procedures include minimal downtown, no need for hospitalization and short procedure time.

What is the cost of each treatment?

Treatments are sold in a package of 3 for $2800.

How does laser vaginal rejuvenation work?

Laser vaginal rejuvenation works by stimulating both the deep and superficial tissue leading to a regrowth of the collagen and elastin within the vaginal canal. As a result, women experience increased moisture, increased elasticity and tightening of the vagina.

Does laser vaginal rejuvenation treat vaginal dryness?

Laser vaginal rejuvenation is a great treatment for women who are experiencing vaginal dryness. Dryness can occur due to a reduction in estrogen after menopause, while breastfeeding and in patients with estrogen dependent breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy. Estrogen is the hormone responsible for keeping the vaginal tissue healthy, elastic and moist. When these levels are low, laser helps to restructure the vaginal tissue by treating the superficial tissue layer leading to increased moisture.

Can laser vaginal rejuvenation treat incontinence?

Many women, especially after vaginal delivery, develop stress incontinence or SUI. SUI is the leakage of urine with coughing, laughing, sneezing or exercising. Incontinence in any form can be embarrassing and annoying for any woman, and can affect her day to day life including in the bedroom. Laser therapy works by improving the strength of the tissue that supports the urethra.

Can laser vaginal rejuvenation treat vaginal looseness?

Many women, after vaginal delivery, notice a decrease in sensation with intercourse. This typically occurs as a result of the stretching of the vaginal canal during delivery. Laser vaginal rejuvenation helps to strengthen and tighten the vaginal tissue, helping to reduce feelings of looseness.

How long does each session take?

The treatment itself only takes about 5 minutes.

Is the procedure painful?

You should not experience pain during or after the procedure. A topical numbing cream is also applied to the area of treatment a few minutes before the procedure. Some women may experience a sensation of warmth for 30 minutes to an hour post procedure.

What can I expect after the treatment?

You may experience a sensation of warmth immediately afterwards and then some discharge, light spotting or itching for the first few days after the procedure.

How much down time is there after the procedure?

After the procedure, you can return to full activity, you will want to avoid intercourse for 48 hours.

Can the laser treat enlarged labia?

The laser can also treat enlarged labia, also known as labial hypertrophy. The treatment works by using a different laser hand piece that remodels the skin of the labia, therefore, tightening the hypertrophic tissue, resulting in a reduction in size.

How long will my results last?

A series of three treatments with 4-6 weeks in between are all that’s needed for initial treatment. These are then followed by one maintenance treatment every 12-18 months.

What if laser doesn’t work?

If after 3-5 treatments, you are not noticing improvement in symptoms. A surgical option may be your best choice. Your surgeon will discuss your anatomy and likelihood of success of laser based on your symptoms.

When is laser not recommended?

There are a few instances in which laser vaginal rejuvenation is not indicated. Significant stress incontinence, which occurs daily and frequently and in large volumes, will likely not respond to treatment. Your surgeon will assess you to determine if you are candidate for laser, if not, there are other methods of treating SUI.

Advanced vaginal prolapse and those patients seeking definitive treatment are also not ideal candidates for laser vaginal rejuvenation. Patient with severe pelvic organ prolapse require more definitive treatments in the form of surgical prolapse repair.

Give us a call to learn more.
(512) 973-8276

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